COVID-19 Safety Procedures
St. Luke’s Diaper Bank is taking precautions to keep babies and caregivers, community partners, volunteers, and staff safe from COVID-19.
Procedures for drive-thru/walk-up distributions include:
- Please stay in your car. A volunteer will ask what diaper size you need and will ask you to fill out an optional survey.
- Open your trunk or a car window and we will place diapers and wipes directly in your car.
- Walk-up caregivers will have their own line.
- Please wear a mask while speaking with volunteers (even while remaining in your car) and maintain physical distance.
We need the help of caregivers and community members to help keep everyone safe and healthy:
- If you or a member of your household are sick with COVID-19 symptoms, please send someone else in your place.
- When picking up diapers, please maintain six feet of physical distance between yourself and other caregivers and staff.
At this time, we are using the following risk-reduction strategies:
- All individuals who are handling diapers (counting, packing, labeling, moving, distributing diapers) are wearing gloves.
- Surfaces that come in contact with open diapers are being regularly sanitized.
- Any staff or volunteers who are exhibiting respiratory symptoms will not come into contact with any diapers or repackaging supplies.
- Community distribution is now happening outdoors, with drive-up service available. Walk-up community members are asked to stand 6 feet apart while awaiting diapers.
- Demographic information is being collected by a volunteer verbally, so there are no common touch-points for families accessing diapers.