There Are Many Ways to Help
Make a Donation
Making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly donor gives us the resources we need to help families in Kalamazoo experiencing diaper need. You can make an online donation via PayPal by clicking the button below or you can write a check to St. Luke’s Diaper Bank and send it here:
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
247 West Lovell Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Host a Diaper Drive
Schools, workplaces, childcare centers, religious institutions, and businesses are all great places for a diaper drive!
Consider hosting a drive in tandem with a child’s birthday party, baby shower, or staff holiday party.
Download our guide below and send us an email for ideas, resources, and guidance as you plan your drive.
Volunteer Your Time
We are always looking for volunteers to help repackage diapers, unload trucks, and distribute to the community! Whether you are an individual looking to help or you have a group interested in volunteering, we have plenty of work for you.
Click the button below to learn more about volunteering opportunities and add yourself to our network of volunteers.
Ways to Give
Donate Diapers or Wipes
We appreciate any donations you’re able to give, every single diaper makes a difference. We accept any size of disposable diapers and baby wipes, but we always have a pressing need for larger sizes, such as size 3 and up. We do accept open boxes, so if your child recently moved up a size or successfully potty trained, you can send us the extras! There are a couple different ways you can donate diapers and wipes, read below to find out how you can get involved:
Drop Them Off
Donations can be brought to St. Luke’s (247 West Lovell St., Kalamazoo, MI, 49007) between 10am and 4pm, Monday through Thursday
Coordinate a Diaper Pick-Up
Don’t have time to drop off your diaper donations? Email to coordinate a diaper pick-up and we will come get them for you!
Become a Potty Training Superhero!
Have a potty trained child and no longer need to purchase diapers? Donate half of your monthly diaper costs to us and help a family in your community who is experiencing diaper need! You’re still saving on monthly costs , but contributing to a worthy cost while you’re at it! For many families, your child advancing past the need for diapers is a big deal, but you can help take the pressure off until that day comes.
Business Looking to Sponsor?
The need for diapers is severe and our biggest bottleneck at the moment is in acquiring more diapers. If you own or are part of a company that is interested in sponsoring us, fill out the form below and we will reach out with opportunities for you to help families experiencing diaper need in Kalamazoo.